We are a team of certified wellness professionals. At GeneSYNC, our proven online system offers a natural and scientific approach to both nutritional balance and FAT BURNING. For us, the real weight maintenance journey begins when we know the person’s body inside-out. We find out, through DNA testing, which specific nutrients each client may show a low or below average genetic tendency. Once we identify the underlying root cause of some of your nutrient imbalances, we will use our GeneSYNC app with GeneSYNC technology to build a MEAL PLAN SPECIFIC TO YOU & THE NUTRIENT NEEDS UNCOVERED IN YOUR GENETIC PROFILE REPORT. Our prime focus is to help you maintain weight, increase balance, provide a clear path to wellness, and improve your lifestyle by having you efficiently target more balanced nutrition. GeneSYNC is designed to help you naturally adapt and realign with the balance needed for a high-functioning metabolism. You may feel weight maintenance programs are hard to follow. Well, this is not the case with our programs. Our online system will let you know if you need to target a food/nutrient more or less often and when to tighten your protocol. The GeneSYNC online system was created after over 15,000 in person one-on-one office visits. We understand the pain points of our clients and the hurdles they face in burning fat and maintaining down weight. Our proven system provides a simple, personalized, weight maintenance solution that you can easily follow at home or work.
Well, it’s simple. You will have to register through the given registration link mentioned in this website. Once registered, you will receive GeneSYNC app login & password. Next, your DNA Test Kit will be shipped & arrive at your stated address shortly. Read the instructions, do the swab test, and send your samples back to us at the mentioned address.
Under normal circumstances, you will get your DNA profile report uploaded to your GeneSYNC app within 30 working days after the lab receives your sample. However, you will start your program immediately after downloading the app!
GeneSYNC’s programs are among the most affordable programs in the country! Our clients often say that our services are more pocket friendly than any of our competitors. On the other hand, our programs are safe, natural, and priced reasonably. Through science, NOT sales, we make weight maintaining easy for you in every possible way.
At GeneSYNC you don’t follow our plan, you will follow your plan! It’s only for you, and it’s based on your DNA! Our prime focus is to bring your metabolism cycle back into the action. We do suggest what foods/nutrients you need to target more often. A one-size-fits-all diet plan is NOT given, we will recommend a suitable macronutrient food intake pattern, changes in lifestyle to target specific micronutrients and fasten weight maintenance process, all based on your DNA genetic profile. Science will guide us to create YOUR custom plan designed to increase nutrient balance and to speed up your body’s natural ability to burn fat and build muscle.
Honestly, a bit of exercise is always good. Our three-pronged approach to wellness will include a DNA specific plan for your Macros, Micros, and…Movement. We will offer you the most efficient cardio & strength training guidelines based on your DNA report. How many minutes of cardio per week is optimal to burn fat off your body? Our DNA test will tell you! How many sets & reps are the most efficient for your DNA to build muscle? Do the DNA test to find out! Performing some mild, DNA specific at-home physical activities & exercises can contribute to your overall fat burning and wellness efforts.
Yes, you can. At GeneSYNC, we work for a transformation that lasts a lifetime. Our programs are designed to realign your body’s metabolism. You can eat whatever you crave. Our team guides you on what kind of food choices you should make and how you can bring a change in your lifestyle for an ever-lasting weight maintenance.
Chat with us via GeneSYNC app. You can call us at +18334328287 or email us at fatburnamerica@gmail.com. Feel free to reach us. We are here for you. Our team will answer your queries, guide you, and motivate you. We love what we do. We take pride in guiding you in your wellness & weight loss journey!